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Alina Bassi

Investment Manager

Alina Bassi

Investment Manager

Will this make a positive impact?

Alan / purpose / impact / alien / problem-solver

My backstory

From a young age, I’ve been deeply moved by the pressing challenges of our time. At 13, the reality of climate change struck me, creating a sense of urgency. The question that concerned me was: Why wasn’t society collectively working to address this existential threat? My journey towards impactful change began a year later when I participated in a film competition. My short film delved into the world’s three challenges: greed, pollution, and poverty. This experience was a catalyst, igniting a passion for meaningful innovation.

With a degree in Chemical Engineering in hand, I embarked on a career in the corporate engineering world, working on industrial plants transforming household waste into energy. However, the desire to contribute more tangibly and directly soon led me to the vibrant start-up ecosystem at a trailblazing startup in London. Here, we pioneered a project to transform coffee waste from across the UK into alternative biofuel. This groundbreaking initiative required us to innovate and learn independently, laying the groundwork for my future endeavours.

My entrepreneurial spirit next led me to co-found a textile recycling start-up. We developed a novel method to convert textile waste into durable plastic pellets, spearheading a circular economy solution. Our mission was twofold: to mitigate the environmental impact of clothing waste and reduce reliance on oil-based plastics. In another venture, I co-founded a non-profit dedicated to empowering women of colour entrepreneurs. While we secured financial backing, we aimed to expand our network and support more entrepreneurs. This pursuit connected me with Zoe and, eventually, Ananda.

The turning point came with my participation in the Obama Leadership Programme, which redefined my perspective on creating impactful change. I wanted to consider how I can create impact on a broader scale. This experience guided me towards impact investing. Today, as a member of the Ananda team, I am excited to leverage my diverse experiences and passion for innovation to drive meaningful, sustainable change.

My passion

Throughout my career, I’ve been driven by the desire to create a positive impact across various sectors. However, another passion has always been close to my heart – filmmaking. As a child, I dreamt of becoming a director, experimenting with editing short films using technology that now seems archaic. The challenges of adding sound design or music only fueled my creativity. One day, I might merge these two passions: producing a film that not only tells a compelling story but also inspires change for the betterment of our planet and the lives of its inhabitants.

If my professional journey had taken a different path, I believe I would have found my calling in education. My love for children and my firm belief in the transformative power of education are deeply rooted. I believe education is one of the keys to breaking the cycle of poverty. This conviction is a legacy from my grandfathers, who dedicated part of their time to support the education of underprivileged children. Their lives of service have been a beacon of inspiration in my own journey.